The trodeks® iDR DIN rail iSeriesis a family of microprocessor-basedinstruments offered in 3 sizes. Theinstruments have a similar setup andconfiguration menu and method ofoperation, which is a tremendous timesaver for integration of a large system.
The iDR instruments offer a broadselection of signal inputs. The choicesare easily selected from the remoteprogrammer menu with 4 front-panelpushbuttons, or by serial or Ethernetcommunications.
The iDR handles 10 common typesof thermocouple, multiple RTDsand several process (DC) voltageand current ranges. This model alsofeatures built-in excitation, 24 Vdc @25 mA. With its wide choice of signalinputs, this model is an excellentchoice for measuring or controllingtemperature with a thermocouple,RTD, or 4 to 20 mA transmitter.
The strain and process instruments(iSDR models) measure inputs fromload cells, pressure transducers,and most any strain gage sensor aswell as process voltage and currentranges. The iS has built-in5 or 10 Vdc excitation for bridgetransducers, 5 Vdc @ 40 mA or10 Vdc @ 60 mA (any excitationvoltage between 5 and 24 Vdc isavailable by special order). Thismodel supports 4- and 6-wirebridge communications, ratiometricmeasurements.
The iSDR features fast and easy “inprocess” calibration/ scaling of thesignal inputs to any engineering units.This model also features 10-pointlinearization which allows the userto linearize the signal input fromextremely nonlinear transducers ofall kinds.
The iDR offers either simplemanual on/off operation or fullautotune PID control (selectablepreset tune, adaptive tune, PID, PI,PD control modes). The dual controloutputs can be configured for avariety of independent control andalarm applications, such asheat/heat, heat/cool, heat/alarm,cool/cool, cool/alarm, oralarm/alarm. The ramp-to-setpointfeature allows the user to define therate of rise to setpoint, minimizingthermal shock to the load is duringstart-up. For those who only needsimplified menus and no PID control, alimit alarm (-AL) option is available.
Users have a choice of 2 control oralarm outputs in almost anycombination: solid state relays(SSRs) form “C” SPDT relays andpulsed 10 Vdc output for use withan external SSR.
The optional analog output can beprogrammed within a range of0 to 10 Vdc or 0 to 20 mA. It isselectable as either a control outputor as a calibrated retransmission ofthe process value—a unique featureamong controllers.
The remote programmer/displaycan be programmed to change colorat any setpoint or alarm point. Forexample, the instrument can beprogrammed to display the processvalue in GREEN during warm-up,in AMBER to signal the normaloperating range, and in RED tosignal an alarm condition.
Embedded Web Server option allowsyou to connect directly to an Ethernetnetwork and transmit data in standardTCP/IP packets, or serve Webpages over a LAN or the Internet.With the serial communicationoption, the user can select fromthe pushbutton menu betweenRS232, RS422, and RS485, withstraightforward ASCII commandsor MODBUS. |
SPECIFICATIONS Universal Temperature and Process Input Model (iDR) Accuracy: ±0.5°C temp; 0.03% rdg process Resolution: 1°/0.1° 10 µV process Temperature Stability: RTD: 0.04°C/°C T/C @ 25°C (77°F): 0.05°C/°C cold-junction compensation Process: 50 ppm/°C NMRR: 60 dB CMRR: 120 dB A/D Conversion: Dual-slope Reading Rate: 3 samples per second Digital Filter: Programmable Input Types: Thermocouple, RTD, analog voltage, analog current Thermocouple Lead Resistance: 100 Ω max Thermocouple Type (ITS 90): J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, L RTD Input (ITS 68): 100/500/1000 Ω Pt sensor; 2-, 3- or 4-wire; 0.00385 or 0.00392 curve Voltage Input: 0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V, 0 to 10 Vdc Input Impedance: 10 MΩ for 100 mV, 1 MΩ for 1 or 10 Vdc Current Input: 0 to 20 mA (5 Ω load) Configuration: Single-ended Polarity: Unipolar Step Response: 0.7 s for 99.9% Decimal Selection: None, 0.1 for temperature; none, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001 for process Setpoint Adjustment: -1999 to 9999 counts Span Adjustment: 0.001 to 9999 counts Offset Adjustment: -1999 to 9999 Excitation: 24 Vdc @ 25 mA (not available with "-DC", "-C24" or "-C4EIT" option)
Universal Strain and Process Input Model (iSDR) Accuracy: 0.03% rdg Resolution: 10/1 µV Temperature Stability: 50 ppm/°C NMRR: 60 dB CMRR: 120 dB A/D Conversion: Dual-slope Reading Rate: 3 samples per second Digital Filter: Programmable Input Types: Analog voltage, analog current Voltage Input: 0 to 100 mVdc, -100 mVdc to 1 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc Input Impedance: 10 MΩ for 100 mV; 1 MΩ for 1 or 10 Vdc Current Input: 0 to 20 mA (5 Ω load) Linearization Points: Up to 10 Configuration: Single-ended Polarity: Unipolar Step Response: 0.7 s for 99.9% Decimal Selection: None, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001 Setpoint Adjustment: -1999 to 9999 counts Span Adjustment: 0.001 to 9999 counts Offset Adjustment: -1999 to 9999 Excitation: 5 Vdc @ 40 mA; 10 Vdc @ 60 mA (not available with "-DC", "-C24" or "-C4EIT" option
Control Action: Reverse (heat) or direct (cool) Modes: Time and amplitude proportional control modes; selectable manual or auto PID, proportional, proportional with integral, proportional with derivative with anti-reset windup and on/off Rate: 0 to 399.9 seconds Reset: 0 to 3999 seconds Cycle Time: 1 to 199 seconds; set to 0 for on/off operation Gain: 0.5 to 100% of span; setpoints 1 or 2 Damping: 0000 to 0008 Soak: 00.00 to 99.59 (HH:MM), or off Ramp to Setpoint: 00.00 to 99.59 (HH:MM), or off Autotune: Operator-initiated from front panel
Control Output 1 and 2 Relay: 250 Vac or 30 Vdc @ 3 A (resistive load); configurable for on/off, PID and ramp and soak Output 1: SPDT type, can be configured as alarm 1 output Output 2: SPDT type, can be configured as alarm 2 output SSR: 20 to 265 Vac @ 0.05 to 0.5 A (resistive load); continuous DC Pulse: Non-isolated; 10 Vdc @ 20 mA Analog Output (Output 1 Only): Non-isolated, proportional 0 to 10 Vdc or 0 to 20 mA; 500 Ω max Analog Output (Optional Output 3): Isolated, retransmission, 0 to 10 Vdc or 0 to 20 mA, 500 Ω max; accuracy is 1% of FS, for scaling gain from 0.03 to 100 mV per count. Isolation is 1000 Vdc; linearity is 0.2%
Network and Communications Options (-C24, -C4EIT, -EIT) Ethernet: Standards compliance IEEE 802.3 10 Base-T Supported Protocols: TCP/IP, ARP, HTTPGET RS232/RS422/RS485/MODBUS: Selectable from menu; both ASCII and MODBUS protocol selectable from menu. Programmable 300 to 19.2K baud; complete programmable setup capability; program to transmit current display, alarm status, min/max, actual measured input value and status. RS485: Addressable from 0 to 199 Connection: Screw terminals
Alarm 1 and 2 (Programmable) Type: Same as output 1 and 2 Operation: High/low, above/below, band, latch/unlatch, normally open/normally closed and process/deviation Analog Output (Programmable): Non-isolated, retransmission, 0 to 10 Vdc or 0 to 20 mA, 500 Ω max (output 1 only); accuracy is ±1% of FS when the following conditions are satisfied: 1. Input is not scaled below 1% of input FS 2. Analog output is not scaled below 3% of output FS
General Line Voltage/Power: 90 to 240 Vac ±10%, 50 to 400 Hz*, 110 to 375 Vdc, equivalent voltage. No CE compliance above 60 Hz. Low-Voltage/Power Option: 24 Vac**; 12 to 36 Vdc; 20 to 36 Vdc for Ethernet and isolated analog output from qualified safety approved source ** Units can be powered safely with 24 Vac power, but no certification for CE/UL is claimed.
Insulation Power to Input/Output: 2300 Vac per 1-minute test 1500 Vac per 1-minute test (for low-voltage power option) Power to Relays/SSR Outputs: 2300 Vac per 1-minute test Relays/SSR to Relay/SSR Outputs: 2300 Vac per 1-minute test RS232/485 to Input/Outputs: 500 Vac per 1-minute test Environmental Conditions: 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F) (0 to 50°C for UL), 90% RH (non-condensing) Approvals: UL, C-UL, CE per EN61010-1:2001, FM (temperature units only) |