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4- 8- or 16-Channel Analog Voltage Output USB Data Acquisition Modules
PLACE ORDER - 4, 8, or 16 Analog Voltage Outputs
- 16-Bit Resolution
- 100 S/s Update Rate
- 8 Digital I/O
- One 32-Bit Counter/Timer
- Synchronous DAC Updates
The new OM-USB-3101, OM-USB-3103, andOM-USB-3105 are voltage output USB 2.0 full-speedmodules. Each module provides 4, 8, or 16 voltageoutputs. All modules provide synchronous andconcurrent voltage updates.All OM-USB-3100 Series modules provide eightdigital I/O lines and one 32-bit event counter and arepowered by the 5V USB supply from the computer.
Analog Output
All OM-USB-3100 Series modules provide either4, 8, or 16 channels of 16-bit analog output.Each channel is software-selectable for either a bipolarvoltage output range of ±10 V or unipolar range of0 to 10V. Channel outputs can be updated individuallyor simultaneously.
The OM-USB-3100 Series modules ship with animpressive array of software including the newTracerDAQ®, a full-featured, out-of-the-box datalogging, viewing, and analysis application.Driver support and detailed example programs areincluded for Universal Library programming libraries forMicrosoft® Visual Studio® programming languages, andother languages, including DASYLab®, and ULx for NILabVIEW® (comprehensive library of Vls and exampleprograms compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit LabVIEWv8.5 through 2012) and InstaCalTM installation,calibration and test utility-powerful solutions forprogrammers and nonprogrammers alike. Thesemodules operate under Microsoft Windows® XP (32-bitonly) and VISTA/7 AND 8 (32-bit and 64-bit) operatingsystems.
Synchronous DAC Updates
All OM-USB-3100 Series modules have asynchronous DAC load connection pin (SYNCLD)that simultaneously updates DAC outputs on multipledevices. You can configure this with software as aninput (slave mode) or as an output (master mode).In slave mode, the SYNCLD pin receives the D/ALOAD signal from an external source. When theSYNCLD pin receives the trigger signal, the analogoutputs are updated simultaneously.In master mode, the internal D/A LOAD signal is sentto the SYNCLD pin. You can then synchronize with asecond device of the same type and simultaneouslyupdate the DAC outputs on each device.On power up and reset, the SYNCLD pin is set toslave mode (input).
Digital I/O
All OM-USB-3100 Series modules have eightbidirectional digital I/O connections. The digital DIO linescan be independently programmed for input or output.All digital pins are floating by default. A screw terminalconnection is provided to configure for pull-up (5V) orpull-down (0V).
Counter Input
Each OM-USB-3100 Series module has a 32-bit eventcounter for counting TTL pulses. The counter incrementswhen the TTL levels transition from low to high. Thecounter accepts frequency inputs of up to 1 MHz.
D/A Converter: DAC8554
Number of Channels:
OM-USB-3101: 4
OM-USB-3103: 8
OM-USB-3105: 16
Output Ranges (Software-Selectable):
Calibrated: ±10V, 0V to 10V
Uncalibrated: ±10.2V, -0.04V to 10.08V
Resolution: 16 bits
Absolute Accuracy (Calibrated Output):
±10V: ±4.0 LSB
0 to 10V: ±22.0 LSB
Relative Accuracy (±LSB):
±10V, 0 to 10V: 4.0 typical, 12.0 maximum
Output Transient (±10V to 0 to 10V or 0 to 10V to ±10V):
Range Selection: The output voltage level defaults to 0V when the output voltage range is reconfigured, the host computer is reset, shut down, or suspended, or a reset command is issued to the device.
Duration: 5 µs typical
Amplitude: 5V p-p typical
Host Computer is Reset, Powered On, Suspended, or a Reset Command is Issued to Device: The duration of this output transient is depends highly on the enumeration process of the host computer. Typically, the output is stable after two seconds.
Duration: 2 s typical
Amplitude: 2V p-p typical
Initial Power On:
Duration: 50 ms typical
Amplitude: 5V peak typical
Differential Nonlinearity: The maximum differential nonlinearity specification applies to the entire operating temperature range. This specification also accounts for the maximum errors due to the software calibration algorithm (in calibrated mode only) and the DAC8554 nonlinearities)
Calibrated: ±1.25 LSB typical, -2 LSB to 1 LSB maximum
Uncalibrated: ±0.25 LSB typical, ±1 LSB maximum
Output Current (VOUTx Pins): ±3.5 mA typical
Output Short-Circuit Protection (VOUTx Connected to AGND): Indefinite
Output Coupling: DC
Power On and Reset State:
DACs Cleared to Zero-Scale: 0V, ±50 mV typical
Output Range: 0 to 10V
Output Noise:
0 to 10V Range: 14.95 µVrms typical
±10V Range: 31.67 µVrms typical
Settling Time (To 1 LSB Accuracy): 25 µS typical
Slew Rate:
0 to 10V Range: 1.20V/µS typical
±10V Range: 1.20V/µS typical
Single-Channel: 100 S/s maximum, system-dependent
Multichannel: 100 S/s/#ch maximum, system-dependent
Recommended Warm-Up Time: 15 minutes minimum on-board precision reference
DC Level: 5.000V ±1 mV maximum
Tempco: ±10 ppm/°C maximum
Long-Term Stability: ±10 ppm/SQRT(1000 hrs)
Calibration Method: Software calibration
Calibration Interval: 1 year
Digital Logic Type: CMOS
Number of I/O: 8
Configuration: Independently-configured for input or output
Pull-Up/Pull-Down Configuration: Softwareselectable; all pins floating (default). For pull-down, connect the DIO CTL pin to a DGND pin. For pull-up, connect the DIO CTL pin to the 5V pin.
Digital I/O Input Loading: TTL (default); 47 KΩ (pull-up/pull down configurations)
Digital I/O Transfer Rate (System-Paced): System-dependent, 33 to 1000 port reads/writes or single bit reads/writes per second.
Input High Voltage: 2.0V minimum, 5.5V absolute maximum
Input Low Voltage: 0.8V maximum, -0.5V absolute minimum
Output High Voltage (IOH = -2.5 mA): 3.8V minimum
Output Low Voltage (IOL = 2.5 mA): 0.7V maximum
Power On and Reset State: Input
Pin Name: SYNCLD (terminal block pin 49)
Power On and Reset State: Input
Pin Type: Bidirectional
Termination: Internal 100 K pull-down
Software-Selectable Direction:
Output: Outputs internal D/A LOAD signal
Input: Receives D/A LOAD signal from external source
Input Clock Rate: 100 Hz maximum
Clock Pulse Width:
Input: 1 µs minimum
Output: 5 µs minimum
Input Leakage Current: ±1.0 µA typ
Input High Voltage: 4.0V minimum, 5.5V absolute maximum
Input Low Voltage: 1.0V maximum, -0.5V absolute minimum
Output High Voltage:
IOH: -2.5 mA: 3.3V minimum
No Load: 3.8V minimum; SYNCLD is a Schmitt trigger input and is overcurrent protected with a 200 Ω series resistor
Output Low Voltage:
IOL: 2.5 mA: 1.1V maximum
No Load: 0.6V maximum; When SYNCLD is in input mode, the analog outputs may either be updated immediately or when a positive edge is seen on the SYNCLD pin (this is under software control). However, the pin must be at a low logic level in order for the DAC outputs to be updated immediately. If an external source is pulling the pin high, no update occurs.
Pin Name: CTR
Number of Channels: 1
Resolution: 32-bits
Counter Type: Event counter
Input Type: TTL, rising edge triggered
Counter Read/Write Rates (Software-Paced): System dependent, 33 to 1000 reads per second
Schmidt Trigger Hysteresis: 20 to 100 mV
Input Leakage Current: ±1.0 µA typical
Input Frequency: 1 MHz maximum
High Pulse Width: 500 ns minimum
Low Pulse Width: 500 ns minimum
Input High Voltage: 4.0V minimum, 5.5V absolute maximum
Input Low Voltage: 1.0V maximum, -0.5V absolute minimum
EEPROM: 256 bytes
EEPROM Configuration:
Address Range: 0x000-0x0FF
Access: Read/write
Description: 256 bytes user data
Type: High performance 8-bit RISC microcontroller
Program Memory: 16,384 words
Data Memory: 2048 bytes
Operating Environment: 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F), 0 to 90% RH non-condensing
Storage Temperature: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Communications: USB 2.0 full-speed mode (12 Mbps)
Signal I/O Connector: Screw terminals
Supply Current (USB Enumeration): <100 mA
Supply Current (Quiescent): Total quiescent current requirement includes up to 10 mA for the status LED. This does not include any potential loading of the digital I/O bits, 5V user terminal, or the VOUTx outputs.
OM-USB-3101: 140 mA typical
OM-USB-3103: 160 mA typical
OM-USB-3105: 200 mA typical
5V User Output Voltage Range: 4.5 to 5.25V (assumes USB power supply is within specified limits)
5V User Output Current: 10 mA maximum (refers to the total amount of current that can be sourced from the 5V user terminal for general use; also includes any additional contribution due to DIO loading
Dimensions: 127 L × 88.9 W × 35.6 H mm (5.0 × 3.5 × 1.4")
Weight: 159 g (0.35 lb) Anemometer | Automation | Accelerometers | Calibrator | Cartridge Heaters | Chart Recorders | Cryogenics | Custom Pressure Transducers | Data Loggers | Data Acquisition | Dial Thermometers | Fiber Optics | Fiber Optic Temperature Measurement | Flexible Heaters | Flow Meters | Glass Bulb Thermometers | Grippers | Heaters | Humidity Measurement | Integrated Circuit Sensors | Immersion Heaters | Infrared Thermometers | Level Measurement | Load Cells | M12 Temperature Connectors | Magnetic Flow Meter | Panel Meter | PID Controllers | pH meter | Pressure Gauges | Pressure Transducers | Pressure Transmitters | Rotameters | RTD | Remote Process Monitoring | Sanitary Sensors | Signal Conditioners | Stepper Motors | Strain Gages | Strip Heaters | Temperature Controllers | Temperature Labels | Temperature Measurement | Temperature Sensor Manufacturing | Temperature Sensors | Temperature Transmitters | Thermal Imagers | Thermistors | Thermocouple | Thermocouple Wire | Thermowell | Ultrasonic Flow Meters | Vortex Flow Meter | Wireless Sensors - فقخیثنس.زخئ - صصص.فقخیثنس.زخئ