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trodeksBUS Series Four Channel Sensor to Computer Interface Modules
TRODEKS Engineering | Thermocouples, Pressure Transducers, Flow Meters, PID Controllers
D5000 Series
  • Four Channel Analog Input
  • Complete Sensor toRS-485 or RS-232C Interface
  • ASCII Format Command/Response Protocol
  • 500 V RMS Analog InputIsolation
  • 15-Bit MeasurementResolution
  • Continuous Self-Calibration;No Adjustments of any Kind
  • Programmable Digital Filter
  • Requires +10 V to 30 VdcUnregulated Supply
  • Transient Suppression onRS-485 Communications Lines
  • Screw Terminal PlugConnectors Supplied
 Manuals (contact with email : [email protected])


The D5000 Four Channel Sensor toComputer Modules are a family ofcomplete solutions designed fordata acquisition systems basedon personal computers and otherprocessor-based equipment withstandard serial I/O ports. Themodules convert four analog inputsignals to engineering units andtransmit in ASCII format to any hostwith standard RS-485 or RS-232Cports. These modules can measuretemperature, voltage and current.The modules provide directconnection to a wide variety ofsensors and perform all signalconditioning, scaling, linearizationand conversion to engineering units.
The modules contain no pots orswitches to be set. Featuressuch as address, baud rate, parity,echo, etc. are selectable usingsimple commands over thecommunications port–withoutrequiring access to the module.The selections are stored innonvolatile EEPROM whichmaintains data even after poweris removed.

The key to the D5000 series isthat the modules are easy to use.You do not need engineeringexperience in complicated dataacquisition hardware. With theD5000 series modules, anyonefamiliar with a personal computercan construct a data acquisitionsystem.This modular approach to dataacquisition is very flexible, easyto use and cost effective. Themodules can be mixed andmatched to fit your application.They can be placed remote fromthe host and from each other.You can string up to 30 moduleson one set of wires by usingRS-485 with repeaters.

All modules are supplied withscrew-terminal plug connectorsand captive mounting hardware.The connectors allow systemexpansion, reconfiguration orrepair without disturbing field wiring.

D5000 modules are completefour-channel data acquisitionsystems. Each unit containsanalog signal conditioning circuitsoptimized for a specific input type.The amplified sensor signals areconverted to digital data with amicroprocessor-controlledintegrating A/D converter. Offsetand gain errors in the analogcircuitry are continuously monitoredand corrected using microprocessortechniques. The D5000 convertsthe digital signal data intoengineering units using look-uptables. The resultant data is storedin ASCII format in a memory buffer.The modules continuously convertdata at the rate of 8 conversionsper second and store the latestresult in the buffer.

The host computer may requestdata by sending simple ASCIIcommands to the module.

The D5000 options include aunique programmable singlepole digital filter. The filter is usedto smooth analog data in noisyenvironments. Separate timeconstants may be specified forsmall and large signal changes.Typically, a large time constant isspecified for small signal changesto filter out noise and provide stableoutput readings. A smaller timeconstant may be chosen for largesignal changes to provide fastresponse to such changes.

The D5000 are designed to be easyto interface to all popular computersand terminals. All communicationsto and from the module areperformed with printable ASCIIThe D5000 will instantly respondby communicating the ASCIIbuffer data back to the host.

The D5000 offers a variety of userselectableoptions including choiceof address, baud rate, parity, echo,etc. All options are selectableusing simple commands over thecommunications port. All optionsare stored in a nonvolatileEEPROM which maintainsdata even after power is removed.

COMMUNICATIONSThe D5000 are designed to be easyto interface to all popular computersand terminals. All communicationsto and from the module areperformed with printable ASCIIcharacters.This allows the information to beprocessed with string functionscommon to most high-level languagessuch as BASIC. For computersthat support standard portssuch as RS-232C, no specialmachine language software driversare necessary for operation.

RS-232C is not designed to beused as a multiparty system; however,the module can be daisychainedto allow many modules tobe connected to a single communicationsport. In this network, anycharacters transmitted by the hostare received by each module in thechain and passed on to the nextmodule until the information isechoed back to the host. If a moduleis correctly addressed andreceives a valid command, it transmitsa response on the daisy chainnetwork. The response will be rippledthrough any other modules inthe chain until it reaches the host.RS-485 was developed formultidropped systems that cancommunicate at high data ratesover long distances. For systemsrequiring many modules, highspeed or long distances, RS-485is recommended.

To Order (Specify Model Number)
RS-232C Output
Model Number
RS-485 Output
Model Number
D5111D5112100 mV
D5121D51221 V
D5131D51325 V
D5141D514210 V
D5151D5152100 V
D5251D52524-20 mA
D5311D5312J (Iron-Constantan)
D5321D5322K (Chromel-Alumel)
D5331D5332T (Copper-Constantan)
D5341D5342E (Chromel-Constantan)
D5451D54522252 Ohm Thermistor

Channels: Four analog input
Maximum CMV:Input to output at 60 Hz: 500 V rms
Leakage: Input to outputat 115 V rms, 60 Hz: <2µA rms
Resolution: 15-bit measurement
Conversion Speed:8 conversions per second
Common Mode Rejection:100 dB at 50/60 Hz
Calibration: Autozero, noadjustment pots.
Microcomputer: 8-bit CMOS
Filtering: Small and large signaldigital filtering with user selectabletime constants
Baud Rates:300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Data Format: NRZ asynchronous;1 start bit, 7 data bits,1 parity bit and 1 stop bit
Parity: Odd, even, none
Address: User selectable address
Protocol: ASCII format
Multidrop Modules:Up to 30 per host serial port
Communications: Distanceup to 4,000 feet (RS-485)
Transient Suppression:On RS-485 communication lines
Communications Error:Checking via checksum
Communications Setups:Stored in EEPROM
Unregulated: +10 V to +30 Vdc,0.75W max. Protected againstpower supply reversals.
Temperature Range:Operating: -25 to +70°C
Storage: -25 to +85°C
Relative Humidity:
0 to 95% non-condensing
Input Ranges: ±100 mV, ±1 V,±5 V, ±10 V, ±100 Vdc
Resolution: 0.01% of FS (4 digits)
Accuracy: ±0.02% of FS max
Zero Drift: ±1 count max (autozero)
Span Tempco: ±50ppm/°C max
Input Burnout Protection:To 250 Vac.Input Impedance:
+1 V input = 100 M. min
+5 V input = 1 M. min
Current: 4-20 mAdc
Resolution: 0.04% of FS
Accuracy: 0.04% of FS
Zero Drift: ±1count max(autozero)
Span Tempco: ±50ppm/°C max
Voltage Drop: ±1.0V max
Thermocouple Types:J, K, T, E (factory set)
J= -200 to 760°C,K= -150 to 1250°C
T= -200 to 400°CE= -100 to 1000°C
Resolution: ±1°
Overall Accuracy:(error from all sources) from0 to 40°C Ambient: ±1.0°C Typical
Input Impedance: 100 M. min
Lead Resistance Effect:<20µV per 350.
Open thermocouple andoverrange indication
Input Burnout: Protection to 250
User Selectable: °C or °F
Thermistor Types: 2252 Ohm
Range: 0 to + 100°C
Resolution: 0.01°C or °F
Accuracy: ± 0.1°C
Input Protection: to 30 Vdc
User Selectable: °C or °F
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