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PCI 1-MHz- 16-Bit Multifunction Boards
OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series
PLACE ORDER - Low-Cost, 1-MHz, 16-Bit Multifunction PCI Boards
- 8 Differential or 16 Single-Ended Analog Inputs (Software Selectable per Channel)
- User-Expandable— Up to 64SE/32DE Analog Inputs Including Thermocouple Measurements
- Four 16-Bit, 1-MHz Analog Outputs with Continuous Waveform Capability
- 24 High-Speed Digital I/O Lines
- Four 32-Bit Counter Input Channels with Quadrature Encoder Capability
- Ultra Low-Latency Control Output Capability (as Low as 2 µs Latency)
- Multiple DMA Channels
- Includes DaqView Software for Instant Setup, Real-Time Viewing, Data Logging, and Frequency Domain Analysis
- Support for Visual Studio and Visual Studio.NET, Including Examples for Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic.NET
- Comprehensive Drivers for DASYLab and LabVIEW
- DaqCal Software Application for Easy User Calibration
The new OMB-DAQBOARD-3000Series comprises high-performancePCI boards offering 16-bit/1-MHzmultifunction synchronous I/O atvery competitive prices. This isaccomplished by incorporating ahigh level of integration, whilefocusing on features that providevaluable benefits to users.The new OMB-DAQBOARD-3000Series features a 16-bit/1-MHz A/Dconverter, 16 analog input channels(user expandable to 64), up to four16-bit/1-MHz analog outputs, 24high-speed digital I/O, 2 timeroutputs, and four 32-bit counters.All analog I/O, digital I/O, andcounter/timer I/O can operatesynchronously and simultaneously,guaranteeing deterministic I/O timingamong all signal types. Unique to theOMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series is ahigh-speed, low-latency, highlydeterministic control output modethat operates independent of thePC. In this mode both digital andanalog outputs can respond toanalog, digital, and counter inputs asfast as 2 µs; at least 1000 timesfaster than most other boards thatrely on the PC for decision making.
Other Hardware Features Include:
Encoder measurements up to20 MHz, including Z-channelzeroing;
Frequency and pulse-widthmeasurements with 20.83 nsresolution;
Timing mode that can measurethe time between two counterinputs to 20.83 ns resolution;
Self calibration
For end-users who would prefer the same functionality, but with a USBmodule, see the OMB-DAQ-3000 Series.
Software support for the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Seriesincludes support for Visual Studio and Visual Studio.NET, includingexamples for Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic.NET,plus comprehensive drivers for DASYLab and LabVIEW.Also included is DaqView software for quick and easy setupand collection of data without programming, along with DaqCalsoftware, an application for easy user calibration.The new DaqView software that is included with the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000Series is a comprehensive application that enables setup, datalogging, and real-time data viewing without any programming skills.The DaqView software also includes additional features such as direct-to-Excel enhancements, FFT analysis, and statistics.
Signal Connections
One 68-pin connector provides access to the 16SE/8DE analoginput channels, 24 digital I/O lines, 6 counter/timer channels, and up to4 analog outputs on each OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series board.An externally accessible HDMI connector is also provided on theOMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series, enabling a simple connection for theoptional OMB-OMB-PDQ30 analog channel expansion module.In addition to standard screw-terminal options for the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000Series, the OMB-DBK215 BNC connection module can beused to provide screw-terminal access to all I/O, plus 16 BNCconnectors that can be user configured.
Analog Input
The OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series has a 16-bit, 1-MHz A/D coupled with16 single-ended or 8 differential analog inputs. Seven software-programmableranges provide inputs from ±10 V to ±100 mV full scale (single-ended ±10 V range onOMB-DAQBOARD-3006). Each channel can be software-configuredfor a different range, as well as for single-ended or differential bipolarinput. The hybrid PGIA on the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series isguaranteed to settle to the specified accuracy while operating at the full1 Msample/s rate.
Analog Channel Expansion
Adding additional analog input channelsfor the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series is easy using the optionalOMB-PDQ30 expansion module. The OMB-PDQ30 connects to theOMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series card via an OMB-CA-266-3cable and does not occupy a PCI slot. The OMB-PDQ30provides an additional 48SE/24DE analog inputs or 24thermocouple inputs, software configured on a per-channel basis.The total channel capacity with an OMB-PDQ30 attached is 64 single-endedor 32 differential inputs. The measurement speed of OMB-PDQ30channels is the same 1 Msample/s as with on-board channels.When configured to measure thermocouple channels, the systemsample rate is 10 kHz per channel. This reduction in sample rateensures that temperature measurements are accurate,low noise, and stable. The OMB-DAQBOARD-3000Series also supports up to 4 boards installed into one PC,effectively quadrupling the number of channels that can be attached to one PC.
Synchronous I/O
The OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series can make analog measurementsand read digital and counter inputs, while synchronously generating upto 4 analog outputs as well as digital pattern outputs. Additionally,digital and counter inputs do not affect the overall A/D rate becausethey use no time slot in the scanning sequencer. For example, one analog inputchannel can be scanned at the full 1-MHz A/D rate along with digitaland counter input channels. The 1-MHz A/D rate is unaffected by theadditional digital and counter channels. Many other dataacquisition boards provide no capability to scan digital/counterchannels along with analog channels, in which case digital andcounter channels must be read asynchronously, which leads to anon-deterministic collection of data.
Input Scanning
The OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 has several scanning modes to addressa wide variety of applications. A 512 location scan buffer can beloaded by the user with any combination of analog inputchannels. All analog input channels in the scan buffer are measuredsequentially at 1 µs per channel. The user can also specify that thesequence repeat immediately, or repeat after a programmable delayfrom 0 to 19 hours, with 20.83 ns resolution. For example, in thefastest mode, with a 0 delay, a single analog channel can bescanned continuously at 1 Msamples/s; two analog channelscan be scanned at 500 Ksamples/s each; 16 analog input channels can be scanned at 62.5 Ksamples/s.OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 digital inputs and counter inputs can beread in several modes. First, via software the digital inputs orcounter inputs can be read asynchronously at any time before,during, or after an analog input scan sequence. This mode is notdeterministic as to exactly when the digital or counter input was readrelative to an analog input channel.
In either of the two synchronous modes, the digital inputs and/orcounter inputs are read with deterministic time correlation to theanalog inputs. In the once-per-scan mode, all of the enabled digitalinputs and counter inputs are read during the first analogmeasurement of an analog input scan sequence. The advantage of this mode is that the digital and counter inputs do not occupy an analog input time slot and therefore do not reduce theavailable bandwidth for making analog input measurements.For example, assume all 24 bits of digital input are enabled, allfour 32-bit counters are enabled, and eight channelsof analog inputs are in the scan sequence at the full 1 µs/channelrate. At the beginning of each analog input scan sequence, whichwould be 8 µs in total duration, all digital inputs and counter inputs willbe measured and sent to the PC during the first µs of the analogscan sequence. In the other synchronous mode,digital inputs are scanned every time an analog input channel isscanned. For example, if eight analog inputs are scanned at 1 µsper channel continuously, and 24 bits of digital inputs are enabled,then the 24 bits of digital inputs will be scanned at 24 bits per 1 µs. Ifcounters are enabled in this mode, they will be scanned at once perscan, in the same manner as in the prior example.
Output Timing
The digital and analog outputs on the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 can beupdated asynchronously or synchronously in several modes.In the asynchronous mode, digital and analog outputs can be updatedat any time before, during, or after an analog input sequence. Themaximum update rate in this mode is non-deterministic and is entirelydependent on the PC processor speed, the operating system, andthe programming environment. In the synchronous output modes,the outputs can be updated directly from memory in the PC, or as thedirect result of an input from either an analog channel, digital channel,or counter channel. When updated from memory in the PC (via DMA),the rate by which the output can be specified in 20.83 ns intervals, andall outputs can be updated synchronously at a maximum rateof 1 µs. For example, all four 16-bit analog outputs can be generatingdifferent waveforms from PC memory with a 1 µs per channelupdate rate, while up to 16 bits of digital pattern could be generatedfrom PC memory concurrently at the 1 µs per 16-bit update rate.Outputs can also be specified to update concurrently with inputs, sothere is an exact timing correlation between inputs and outputs.The other synchronous method of output control is where an output, either digital or analog, is associated with any input—analog,digital, or counter.
The state or level of the output is determined by the level or state ofan associated input. For example, a digital output could be programmedto be a logic 1 when an analog input exceeds a certain value, or when afrequency input exceeds a certain rate. In addition, hysteresis can beprogrammed for each limit to ensure the output is stable near thetransition point. Up to 8 digital outputs and 4 analog outputs canbe programmed to respond to any analog, digital, or counter input.When analog or digital outputs are used in this mode, the user canspecify two output values, determined by whether the input isabove or below the limit. The slowest rate at which an analogoutput can respond to an input is 4 µs plus the time period of a scansequence. For example, if 4 channels of analog input arescanned continuously at 4 µs per scan, then the maximum latencybetween an analog input satisfying a limit, and the output responding,is 4 + 4 or 8 µs max. The worst-case response time can also beimproved in several ways. For example, if a digital output iscorrelated to a digital input, then the worst-case latency can be reducedto 2 µs total if all digital inputs are scanned at the 1 µs rate without adelay period at the end of each scan. In addition, an output statuschannel can be specified in the input scan sequence buffer so thatusers can correlate output state changes to their respective inputchannels within their data buffers and files. Adding the status channeltakes no additional scan time and has no effect on the overallacquisition rate. The status channel can also be read asynchronously atany time during an acquisition for monitoring of the control outputs.The advantage of this mode is that the response time can be in therange of 2 to 20 µs, vs. 1000 or more microseconds when usingother suppliers’ boards.
Analog Output
(OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 andOMB-DAQBOARD-3001 only)Two or four 16-bit, 1-MHz analog output channels are built into theOMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series with an output range of -10 V to 10 V.Through the use of bus mastering DMA, each D/A output cancontinuously output a waveform at up to 1 MHz, which can be readfrom PC RAM or a file on the hard disk. In addition, a program canasynchronously output a value to any of the D/As for non-waveformapplications, assuming the D/A is not already being used in thewaveform output mode. Lastly, each of the analog outputs can be used ina control mode, where their output level is dependent on whether anassociated analog, digital, or counter input is above or below auser-specified limit condition. When used to generate waveforms,the D/As can be clocked in several different modes. Each D/A can beseparately selected to be clocked fromone of the sources described below.
Asynchronous Internal Clock.
The on-board programmable clock can generate updates ranging fromonce every 19 hours to 1 MHz, independent of any acquisition rate.Synchronous Internal Clock. The rate of analog output update can besynchronized to the acquisition rate derived from 1 MHz to once every19 hours.
Asynchronous External Clock.
A user-supplied external input clock can be used to pace the D/A,entirely independent of analog inputs.
Synchronous External Clock.
A user-supplied external input clock can pace both the D/A and theanalog input.
Digital I/O
Twenty-four TTL-level digital I/O lines are included in theOMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series. Digital I/O can be programmed in8-bit groups as either inputs or outputs and can be scanned inseveral modes (see Input Scanning). Ports programmed asinputs can be part of the scan group and scanned along with analoginput channels, or they can be asynchronously accessed via thePC at any time, including when a scanned acquisition is occurring.Two synchronous modes are supported when scanned along withanalog inputs. In the first mode, the digital inputs are scanned at thestart of each scan sequence, which means the rate at which they arescanned is dependent on the number of analog input channelsand the delay period. For example, if 8 analog inputs are enabled with 0delay period, then the digital inputs in this mode would be scanned atonce per 8 µs, which is 125 kHz. In the other synchronous mode, theenabled digital inputs are scanned synchronously with every analoginput channel. So in the example above, the digital inputs would bescanned at once per µs, or 1 MHz. If no analog inputs are beingscanned, the digital inputs can be scanned at up to 12 Msamples/s.
Digital Outputs and Pattern Generation
Digital outputs can be updated asynchronously at any time before,during, or after an acquisition. Two of the 8-bit ports can also be usedto generate a 16-bit digital pattern at up to 12 MHz. TheOMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series supports digital pattern generationvia bus mastering DMA. In the same manner as analog output, the digitalpattern can be read from PC RAM or from a file on the hard disk.Digital pattern generation is clocked in the same four modes as previouslydescribed for analog output. The ultra low-latency digital outputmode allows a digital output to be updated based on the level of ananalog, digital, or counter input. In this mode, the user associates adigital output bit with a specific input and specifies the level of the inputwhere the digital output changes state. The response time in this modedepends on the number of input channels being scanned and cantypically be in the range of 2 to 20 µs.
Counter Inputs
Four 32-bit counters are built into the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series.Each of the four counters will accept frequency inputs of up to 20 MHz,and each counter channel can be configured in a variety of modes,including counter, period, pulse width, time between edges, or multi-axisquadrature encoder. The counters can concurrently monitortime periods, frequencies, pulses, and other event-driven incrementaloccurrences from encoders, pulse generators, limit switches, proximityswitches, and magnetic pick-ups. As with all other inputs to theOMB-DAQBOARD-3000 Series, the counter inputs can be readasynchronously under program control, or synchronously as partof an analog and digital scan group based either on an internalprogrammable timer or an external clock source.The OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 supports quadrature encoders withup to 2 billion pulses per revolution; 20 MHz input frequencies; andx1, x2, x4 count modes. With only A phase and B phase signals,2 channels are supported. With A phase, B phase, and Z indexsignals, 1 channel is supported. Each input can be debounced from500 ns to 25.5 ms (total of 16 selections) to eliminate extraneous noise orswitch-induced transients. Encoder input signals must be within -15 V to15 V and the switching threshold is TTL (1.3 V). Power is available forencoders, 5 V at up to 500 mA.
Timer Outputs
Two 16-bit timer outputs are built into the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000,each capable of generating different square waves with a programmablefrequency range from 16 Hz to 1 MHz. Multiple DaqBoards per PCAll of the features described for the OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 can bereplicated with up to four OMB-DAQBOARD-3000s installedin the same PC. The serial number on each OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 isused to differentiate one from another, and a user-selected namecan be assigned to each board for easy program documentation. Whenmultiple boards are installed, all boards can be operatedsynchronously by designating one board as the master. All of the otherboards are then slaves, and are synchronized to the master via thepacer clock, which is externally routed to the designated slaveboards.
General Power Consumption
(per board): 3 W
Operating Temperature: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
PCI Bus: PCI r2.2 compliant, universal 3.3 V/5 V signalingsupport, compatible with PCI-X
Storage Temperature: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)
Relative Humidity:0 to 95% non-condensing
Vibration: MIL STD 810E cat 1 and 10
Signal I/O Connector: 68-pin standard "SCSI Type III" female connector
Dimensions: 165 W x 15 x 108 mm H (6.5 x 0.6 x 4.2")
Weight: 160 g (0.35 lb)
Channels: 16 single-ended (SE) or 8 differential (DE), programmableon a per-channel basis as single-ended or differential (except forOMB-DAQBOARD-2006, which is limited to 16 SE analog inputs witha fixed range of 10 V)
Expansion: An additional 48 analog inputs per board viaoptional OMB-PDQ30 module; expansion channels haveidentical features as the main board channels (except forOMB-DAQBOARD-2006, which is limited to 16 SE analog inputswith a fixed range of 10 V)
Expansion Connector: HDMI connector (except forOMB-DAQBOARD-2006, which is limited to 16 SE analog inputswith a fixed range of 10 V)
Over-Voltage Protection: ±30 V without damage
Ranges: Software- or sequencer-selectableon a per channel basis, ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V, ±1 V, ±0.5 V,±0.2 V, ±0.1 V (except for OMB-DAQBOARD-2006, which islimited to 16 SE analog inputs with a fixed range of 10V)
Input Impedance: 10 M Ω single-ended; 20 M Ω differential
Total Harmonic Distortion: -80 dB type for ±10 V range,1 kHz fundamental
Signal to Noise and Distortion: 72 dB type for ±10 V range,1 kHz fundamental
Bias Current: 40 pA typical (0 to 35°C)
Crosstalk: -75 dB typical DC to 60 Hz; -65 dB typical @10 kHz
Common Mode Rejection: -70 dB typical DC to 1 kHz
A/D Specifications
Type: Successive approximation
Resolution: 16 bit
Maximum Sample Rate: 1 MHz
Non-Linearity (Integral): ±2 LSB maximum
Non-Linearity (Differential): ±1 LSB maximum
(OMB-DAQBOARD-3000 andOMB-DAQBOARD-3001 only)
Analog output channels are updated synchronously relative to scannedinputs and clocked from either an internal on-board clock or anexternal clock source. Analog outputs can also be updatedasynchronously, independent of any other scanning in the system. Busmastering DMA provides CPU and system-independent data transfers,ensuring accurate outputs that are irrespective of other systemactivities. Streaming from disk or memory is supported, allowingcontinuous, nearly infinite length, waveform outputs (limited only byavailable PC system resources).
Channels: (OMB-DAQBOARD-3000); 4 (OMB-DAQBOARD-3001)
Resolution: 16-bits
Data Buffer: PC-based memory
Output Voltage Range: ±10 V
Output Current: ±10 mA
Offset Error: ±0.0045 V max
Digital Feedthrough: <10 mV when updated
DAC Analog Glitch: <12 mV typical at major carry
Gain Error: ±0.01%
Update Rate: 1 MHz max, 19 hours min (no minimum withexternal clock), resolution 20.83 ns
Settling Time: 2 µs max to 1 LSB for full-scale step
Clock Sources: 4, programmable
1. On-board D/A clock, independent of scanning input clock
2. Onboard scanning input clock
3. External D/A input clock, independent of externalscanning input clock
4. External scanning input clock
Channels: 24
Ports: 3 x 8-bit, each port is programmable as input or output
Input Scanning Modes: 2 programmable
1. Asynchronous, under program control at anytime relative to input scanning
2. Synchronous with input scanning
Input Characteristics: 10 K Ω pull up to 5V, 20 pF to common
Input Protection: ±15 kV ESD clamp diodes
Input Levels: Low: 0 to 0.8 V
High: 2.0 V to 5.0 VOutput Levels: Low: <0.8 V, High: >2.0 V
Output Characteristics: Output 12 mA per pin, 200 mAtotal continuous
Sampling/Update Rate: 12 MHz max
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