ANSI Color Code: Positive Wire, Yellow ; Negative Wire, Red; Overall, Yellow
trodeks Engineering does not use reprocessed PFA or PVC in manufacturing thermocouple wire.

Ready made
are available and in stock, with your choice of connectors.
The "To Order" box contains some examples of popular models. Use the "Part Number Builder" (Below Table) to get pricing for all available models. Use the table below as a guide for types available Insulation | AWG No. | Model Number | Type Wire | Insulation | Max. Temp* | Nominal Size | Wt. lb/1000' | Conductor | Overall | °F | °C | Glass Neoflon PFA | 16 | EXGG-K-16 | Solid | Glass Braid | Glass Braid | 392 | 200 | .085 x .130 | 23 | 16 | EXTT-K-16 | Solid | PFA | PFA | 392 | 200 | .086 x .152 | 21 | 20 | EXTT-K-20 | Solid | PFA | PFA | 392 | 200 | .068 x .116 | 11 | 24 | EXTT-K-24 | Solid | PFA | PFA | 392 | 200 | .056 x .092 | 7 | Polyvinyl | 14 | EXPP-K-14 | Solid | Polyvinyl | Polyvinyl | 221 | 105 | .134 x .288 | 36 | 16 | EXPP-K-16 | Solid | Polyvinyl | Polyvinyl | 221 | 105 | .123 x .207 | 26 | 16 | EXPP-K-16S | 7 x 24 | Polyvinyl | Polyvinyl | 221 | 105 | .139 x .226 | 26 | 18 | EXPP-K-18S | 7 x 26 | Polyvinyl | Polyvinyl | 221 | 105 | .138 x .205 | 22 | 20 | EXPP-K-20 | Solid | Polyvinyl | Polyvinyl | 221 | 105 | .095 x .151 | 16 | 20 | EXPP-K-20S | 7 x 28 | Polyvinyl | Polyvinyl | 221 | 105 | .123 x .175 | 16 | 24 | EXPP-K-24 | Solid | Polyvinyl | Polyvinyl | 221 | 105 | .075x .120 | 5 | 24 | EXPP-K-24S | 7 x 32 | Polyvinyl | Polyvinyl | 221 | 105 | .082 x .134 | 11 | Neoflon FEP | 16 | EXFF-K-16 | Solid | FEP | FEP | 392 | 200 | .086 x .152 | 21 | 20 | EXFF-K-20 | Solid | FEP | FEP | 392 | 200 | .068 x .116 | 11 | 24 | EXFF-K-24 | Solid | FEP | FEP | 392 | 200 | .056 x .092 | 7 | |
*Maximum temperature is for extension grade wire or insulation, whichever is lower.
Weight of spool and wire, rounded up to next highest lb. (does not include packing material).